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The greatest challenges of management executives are formulating and executing strategies. We have 3 Workshops


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Creativity, Innovation, Career & Startup Workshops


Alpha-Plus Training programmes are designed to enthuse, enrich and enable you to be creative, innovative and entrepreneurial in your personal life and professional development. Our programmes will enable corporate executives to create and add value to increase sales, lower cost and streamline operations. Over the years, we have developed competencies in: Creativity, Innovation, Career, Startup (Entrepreneurship) and Strategies.


You will have more confidence to face whatever challenges when you are an effective problem-solver who can generate creative ideas at a snap of your fingers. Creative ideas you produced are seeds toward innovative solutions. 

Zero-To-Heros boardgameBrainEEE Cards System,

Creative Thinking Workshop, Design Thinking Workshop, 

Creative Thinking Book


“Innovate or evaporate”, this mantra shows the importance of creativity and innovation to organization. We have designed 4 high-impact  workshops to enable your executives to be innovative and entrepreneurial. 


Having a good job is absolutely essential as a means of livelihood in the high-cost society we live in. However, there is no more job security as organizations re-structure frequently to adapt to the ever-changing environment. We have designed programmes to equip you with skills that pay your bills.

Startup-Plus (Entrepreneurship)

Be your own boss and starting your own business is both exciting and risky. We have developed high-impact and time-tested programmes that will jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey.

Move to: Creativity-Plus

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