Workshop 1
Discovering Entrepreneurial Executives
Talent Re-Discovery Scheme
Move to workshop 2 : Developing the Innovation Activists
Move to: Photos - Zeros-To-Heros game sessions
Are you facing difficulties in recruiting talent?
Hiring and retaining talent is one of the greatest challenges organizations face today. Instead of recruiting from outside, have you tried to re-discover the entrepreneurial talents from within?
Staff recruitment are usually based on academic and professional qualifications. These are key indicators of hard skills and technical competence.
Soft skills which are equally important are harder to quantify and usually ignored. The Talent Re-Discovery Scheme will help you identify innate, untapped entrepreneurial skills. These skills enable staff to take initiatives and make things happen.

What is the Talent Re-Discovery Scheme about?
As the title implies, it is a scheme to help you “re–discover” talent in your existing staff. And it will involve the board game Zeros-To-Heros®.

This is the world’s first board game which is designed to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of players.
As staff play the Zeros-To-Heros® game, senior executives would walk around unobtrusively to observe their game behavior. They would use our Talent Spotting Cards to identify these qualities in staff: resourcefulness, charisma, ability to handle difficult situations, savviness in negotiations and leadership.
Effective use of Entrepreneurial Talent will add value to your organization
Identify the talents and re-deploy them to what they are best suited for: businesses development, sales, special projects, handling difficult customers, etc.
Benefits of the Right Person for the Right Job:
Increase sales and increase profit
Staff would feel more motivated, valued and appreciated
Talents are retained and staff turnover is reduced
Workplace productivity is boosted