The greatest challenges of management executives are formulating and executing strategies. We have 3 high-impact workshops.
Developing Effective Strategy Toolkit
This 1-day programme provides participants with a comprehensive Strategy Toolkit (concepts, principles, frameworks and techniques) for them be effective as corporate strategists. Read more
Developing Innovative Business Strategies
To Boost Revenue, Growth & Profitability
Research has shown that innovating your business model can create up to 25 times the competitive advantage compared to product and process innovation. This workshop is the result of fusing the latest thinking in three disciplines: strategy, business model and innovation. Participants will map out existing business model with the larger-than-life Business Model Canvas and brainstorm on how to generate innovative business strategies. Read more
Understanding the Dynamics of Running a Business
The best way to learn strategy is to experience it through business simulation rather than case discussions. Our use of a world-class business simulation software allows participants to devise their own strategy, set their own objectives and make strategic decisions. It compresses time and allows rapid and clear feedback on the decisions made. It helps them develop business insights in diverse environments over time. Read more